Ordering a Membership to the E-Learning Courses

The Ordering Process

Let's start by going through the basic ordering process.

  1. Visit the membership page (https://www.knowitallninja.com/subscribe/)
  2. Select the first membership you require access to (e.g. for OCR GCSE Computer Science visit https://www.knowitallninja.com/product/ocr-gcse-computer-science-membership/)
  3. Enter a group title, this is designed to allow you to differentiate this from any other memberships you hold. This isn't a "Class Name" necessarily as you can divide a membership up into individual classes after you have completed your purchase. You can leave the default title if you like.
  4. Select the number of students that require access (a minimum of 10 students is required per membership).
  5. Add the courses your students require access to (they're all added by default, but you can remove any you don't require).
  6. Select Add to Basket
  7. Return to the membership page to add additional memberships or visit the basket page.
  8. From the basket page, complete checkout using whichever payment option you wish.

That's the process summarised, but let's go through some important tips to make the most of the membership system.

Take Advantage of Bulk Discount Levels

There are discounts available depending on the number of students you are purchasing access to. These are identified at the bottom of each membership product page (e.g. 100-199 students gives a 50% discount).

If you are near a bulk discount level, it will often be cheaper to purchase a few extra student spaces to reach the new discount level.

Additionally, student bulk discounts count across multiple memberships purchased at the same time. So if you have 50 students in OCR GCSE Computer Science and 50 students in BTEC Level 3 IT then you'll receive the 50% discount for 100+ students. The full discount will only show on the basket page though, so keep an eye on this.

Purchase for 2-Years Up Front

It is likely that your students will use KnowItAll Ninja for more than the single year. In addition to this, you can freely remove students and add on new ones in their place (such as removing students at the end of the year and adding your new cohort in their place).

It can therefore be financially prudent to purchase a two-year membership upfront which will provide an additional 10% discount on the price you pay.

You can view 2-year memberships by selecting the 2-year membership checkbox at the bottom of the filter column. Or you can click here.

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