Viewing Quiz Analysis Graphs

On the student tracker, as well as viewing students' quiz attempts and their answers, you can also view an analysis of where your group’s strengths and weaknesses are in a quiz.

Viewing Analytics Graphs

Go to the bottom of a student tracker and under each column you’ll see a button with a graph symbol in it. Click on this button and a new popup window will appear that displays a bar chart.
This bar chart is showing the number of correct and incorrect answers that students have given to each question in the quiz you selected. This will make analysing students’ strengths and weaknesses easier for you as a teacher and allow you to target further support in your lessons.
Initially this graph is showing you the analysis based on every attempt each student has made. You may wish to view this chart based only on the students’ most recent attempt. To do this just press the “Only Most Recent Attempts” toggle at the bottom of the popup.
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